
Swiss newspapers and news sites

  • Blick

    One of the most widely circulated Swiss newspapers based in Zurich.. The newspaper covering economy, politics, weather, football, hockey, tennis, winter sports, and more.

  • Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)

    Leading German language Swiss daily newspaper published in Zurich.

  • 20 Minuten

    Leading German-language free daily newspaper published simultaneously in Berne, Zuirch, Lucerne, Basel, and St. Gallen. The newspaper published by Express-Zeitung AG.

  • 20 minutes

    French edition of 20 minuten.

  • Aargauer Zeitung

    Switzerland’s regional newspaper published in Canton of Aargau.

  • Tages-Anzeiger (Tagi or TA)

    National daily newspaper based in Zurich.

  • Baslerstab

    German-language daily newspaper based in Basel, Switzerland. The newspaper owned by Basler Zeitung Medien.

  • Basler Zeitung

    Regional newspaper published in Basel. The newspaper covers national news, world news, economy, sports, culture, movies, lifestyles, auto, culture, music, travel, and much more.

  • Berner Zeitung (BZ)

    One of most widely distributed regional newspaper published in the canton of Berne, Switzerland.

  • Bieler Tagblatt

    Daily newspaper based in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland. The newspaper published in German language by Gassmann AG.

  • Der Bund

    Daily berliner format newspaper published in Bern, Switzerland. The newspaper owned by owned by the Tamedia publishing group.

  • Neue Luzerner Zeitung (Neue LZ)

    Based in Lucerne Neue Luzerner Zeitung is one of the most popular newspapers in Switzerland. Regional editions published in Zug, Uri, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Schwyz.

  • St. Galler Tagblatt

    Regional newspaper published in St. Gallen, Switzerland.

  • Tessiner Zeitung

    Regional newspaper published in Locarno, Switzerland.

  • 24 heures

    One of the French newspapers published in Canton of Vaud, Switzerland. The newspaper published by Edipresse.

  • Le Courrier

    Switzerland’s daily newspaper based in Geneva.

  • L’Express

    Regional daily newspaper published in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

  • L’Impartial

    Daily newspaper published in Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

  • Le Matin

    Daily newspaper published in Lausanne, Switzerland.

  • Le Nouvelliste

    Daily regional newspaper of Canton of Valais, Switzerland.

  • Le Temps

    Swiss newspaper published in French-language.

  • Tribune de Genève

    Regional newspaper based in Canton of Geneva, Switzerland.

  • Corriere del Ticino

    Leading regional newspaper published in Ticino, Switzerland.

  • Giornale del Popolo

    Regional newspaper published in Lugano, Switzerland.

  • laRegione Ticino

    Regional newspaper of Bellinzona, Switzerland.

  • Die Südostschweiz (Southeastern Switzerland)

  • La Quotidiana

    Romansh-language daily newspaper published in Ilanz.

  • General Anzeiger

  • Zofinger Tagblatt

  • Avvenire dei Lavoratori (AdL)

    Italian-language Socialist newspaper based in Zurich, Switzerland.

  • swissinfo.ch

    Swiss news and information site, a branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC).

  • Swiss News Agency (SDA/ATS)


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