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Fiji newspapers, news sites, and magazines

  • Fiji Sun

    Daily newspaper published in Fiji, owned by Sun (Fiji) News Limited.

  • Fiji Times

    Daily English-language newspaper published in Fiji. Fiji Times is the oldest newspaper in Fiji, featuring sports, business, health, travel, and weather.

  • Fiji Live

    Online newspaper based in Fiji owned by the Future Group of Companies. Featuring latest news, business, sports (football, rugby, cricket, etc), entertainment, travel, jobs, and more.

  • Fiji Village

    Fiji’s online news source owned by Communications Fiji Limited (CFM).

  • BBC News – Fiji

  • NewsNow on Fiji

  • Shanti Dut

    One of the most widely read Hindi-language newspapers in Suva, Fiji. The newspaper owned by News Corporation.



National newspapers in France

Les quotidiens nationaux

  • Le Figaro

    Le Figaro is one of the most widely read newspapers in France.

  • Le Monde

    Leading French evening daily newspaper. Subscribe Le Monde (Kindle Edition).

  • L’Humanité

    French-language daily newspaper. The newspaper was first printed in 1904.

  • La Croix

    Roman Catholic daily newspaper published by news media company Bayard Presse.

  • Libération

    Daily newspaper published in Paris, France.

  • Le Parisien

    One of the top selling France newspapers.

  • La Tribune

    French business newspaper contains in-depth articles about economy, industry, banking, finance, stock exchange, employment, and more.

  • L’Express (weekly)
  • Le Nouvel Observateur (weekly)
  • France Soir

    French daily newspaper covering regional politics, economy, transport, health, and more.

  • 20 minutes

    Popular free newspaper in France. Local edition of the newspaper published from Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Marseilles, Nantes, Paris, Strasbourg, and Toulouse.

  • Les Échos

    French economic and financial newspaper owned by owned by London based media company Pearson PLC.

  • Metro (France)

    The newspaper published by Swedish media company Modern Times Group (MTG). Metro newspapers international edition published in many countries including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Italy, and Russia.

  • L’Équipe

    French sports newspaper distributed nation wide. The newspaper covers football, motorcycle, tennis, golf, rugby, basketball, hand/volleyball, cycling, racing, and more.

  • Mediapart

Regional newspapers in France

Les quotidiens régionaux

French news sites

  • France 24

    International news channel, covering international current events from a French perspective.

  • Rue 89

    French news portal was launched in 2007.

French press agencies



Ethiopian newspapers and news sites



Estonian newspapers | Eesti ajalehtede loend

  • Postimees

    One of the most widely-circulated daily newspapers in Estonia. Founded in 1857, the Postimees is one the oldest newspapers in the country.

  • Õhtuleht

    One of the largest Estonian newspapers. The newspaper covering travel, business, health, education, and more.

  • Eesti Päevaleht

    Leading daily Estonian newspaper based in Tallinn, Estonia.

  • Linnaleht

    Estonian daily newspaper based in Tallinn. The Linnaleht also published in Tartu and Pärnu.

  • Eesti Ekspress

    Estonian-language weekly newspaper in Estonia. The newspaper covering sports, business, lifestyles, politics, and more.

  • Äripäev

    Popular Estonian newspaper based in Tallinn. Äripäev owned by Bonnier Group.

  • Lääne Elu

    Local newspaper published in Haapsalu.

  • Sakala

    Regional newspaper published in Viljandi County.

  • Uma Leht

    Võro-language newspaper published and distributed in Southern Estonia.

  • Maaleht

  • Ohtuleht

  • Harju Elu

    Weekly newspaper serving Harju County, Estonia.

  • Kesknädal

  • Lääne Elu

  • Saarte Hääl

    Daily newspaper serving Saare County, Estonia.

  • Baltic Times

    English-language newspaper in Estonia. The newspaper distributed in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

  • Estoniya

    Russian-language newspaper published in Tallinn



Eritrean newspapers, magazines, and news sites


El Salvador

El Salvador newspapers and news sites

El Salvador magazines



Egyptian newspapers in Arabic

  • Al-Ahram

    One of the most widely read Egyptian newspapers in Arabic-language. The newspaper owned by the Egyptian government.

  • Al Gomhuria

    Arabic-language daily newspaper published in Cairo, Egypt. The newspaper published by Al-Tahrir Publishing House.

  • Al Messa

    Egypt’s daily newspaper in Arabic-language published by Al-Tahrir Publishing House.

  • Al Osboa

    General-interest newspaper focusing on latest news from Arab world, economy, sports, culture, religion, and more.

  • Al-Masry Al-Youm

    Independent compact format newspaper owned by Al-Masry Al-Youm for Journalism and Publication.

  • El Fagr

    Egyptian weekly broadsheet newspaper founded in 2005.

  • Akhbar El Yom)

    Arabic-language newspaper published on Sundays.

  • Al Wafd

    Daily newspaper published by the Egyptian Wafd party in Giza.

  • Masr Alarabia

Egyptian newspapers in English

Egyptian newspapers in French

Egyptian news sites

Egyptian press agencies



Ecuador newspapers and news sites


Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic newspapers and news sites

  • Listín Diario

    One of the largest newspapers in Dominican Republic. Founded in 1889 Listín Diario is the oldest newspaper in Dominican Republic.

  • El Dia

  • Diario El Caribe

    National newspaper published in Dominican Republic.

  • El Nacional

  • El Nuevo Diario

    Newspaper based in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

  • Hoy

  • El Jaya

  • Diario Libre

    Spanish-language newspaper published in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

  • Gringo Times

    English-language newspaper in Dominican Republic for Sosua, Cabarete, Puerto Plata, Costambar, and Cofresi.

  • Dominican Today

    English language online newspaper in Dominican Republic. Featuring local news, international news, real estate and more.

  • DRSol

    Providing news from Dominican Republic.

  • Costa Verde DR

  • El Masacre

Dominican Republic magazines
