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Bulgarian newspapers | български вестници



Brunei newspapers, magazines, and news sites


British Virgin Islands

British Virgin Islands newspapers and news sites

British Virgin Islands magazines



Brazilian newspapers | Brasileiro Jornais

  • Folha de S. Paulo

    Leading Portuguese-language newspaper published in São Paulo, Brazil. Folha de S. Paulo is one of the most popular Brazilian newspapers. The newspaper was founded in 1921 and owned by the Grupo Folha.

  • Correio Popular

    Founded in 1927 Correio Popular is one of most widely circulated daily newspapers in Campinas, Brazil.

  • Correio do Povo

    Brazilian daily newspaper, published in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The newspaper is owned by Brazilian media company Rede Record.

  • Brasil de Fato

    Brazilian Weekly newspaper owned by Sociedade Editorial Brasil de Fato.

  • Brasil em Folhas

    Daily newspaper mainly serving Brasilia, Aparecida de Goiania, Goiania, Sao Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro.

  • Correio Braziliense

    Brazilian newspaper includes in-depth articles about science, health, technology, policy, tourism, business, football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and more.

  • O Dia

    Leading daily newspaper based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  • Diário do Povo

    Brazilian newspaper published in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. The newspaper is owned by the Rede Anhangüera de Comunicação (A holding companies of mass media).

  • Diário de Pernambuco

    Founded in 1825 Diário de Pernambuco is the oldest continuously circulating Brazilian newspaper. The newspaper is based in Recife, Brazil.

  • Diário do Nordeste

    Brazilian newspaper published in Fortaleza, Ceará.

  • O Estado de S. Paulo

    Popular daily newspaper published in São Paulo, Brazil. The newspaper was first printed in 1875 and circulated nationally.

  • Extra Alagoas

    Portuguese-language newspaper published in Alagoas (AL).

  • Gazeta de Alagoas

    Newspaper published in Alagoas, Brazil.

  • O Globo

    Brazilian newspaper published in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  • Jornal Pequeno

    Maranhão based local newspaper in Portuguese-language.

  • Jornal do Brasil (JB)

    Brazilian daily newspaper was founded in 1891.

  • Jornal dos Sports

    Brazilian sports newspaper published by Editora dos Sports Ltda. The newspaper is published in Portuguese-language.

  • Lance!

    Leading daily sports newspaper headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

  • Notícia Já

    Major daily newspaper published in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.

  • ValeParaibano

    Daily newspaper published in São José dos Campo, São Paulo, Brazil.

  • Brazilian Press

    One of the Brazilian community newspapers in USA. The newspaper based in Newark, NJ.

Brazilian news sites

Acre newspapers



Botswana newspapers, magazines, and news sites


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian newspapers



Bolivian newspapers and news sites



Bhutan newspapers, magazines, and news sites



Benin newspapers, magazines, and news sites



Belarusian-language newspapers

Russian-language newspapers

News agencies in Belarus
