cape verde magazines

Cape Verde newspapers, magazines, and news sites


Cameroon magazines

Cameroon newspapers, magazines, and news sites


Botswana newspapers, magazines, and news sites


Benin newspapers, magazines, and news sites


Angola magazines

Angola newspapers, magazines, and news sites


Uganda magazines

Uganda magazines

  • The Eye

    Bi-monthly magazine based in Kampala, Uganda. The magazine focusing on travel information, weather, maps, reviews, tour, hotels, shops, sporting events, embassies, entertainment and more. The Eye magazine distributed through national and regional airlines, airport information office, diplomatic missions and NGOs, hotels, restaurants, bars, supermarkets and gift shops, and government offices.

  • Uganda | Jeune Afrique

  • The Uganda INFO-DIGEST magazine
  • TRAVELLER magazine

Tanzania magazines

  • Jeune Afrique

  • Africa Travel Magazine Tanzania

  • Fema magazine

    Format: Quarterly, 64 page magazine written in Swahili and English
    Distribution: Over 300 partners and more than 2,400 Secondary Schools
    Target group: Young women and men aged 15 – 35, in secondary schools, workplaces and organizational setting. A strong secondary school profile endorsed by the ministry of education and vocational training
    Reach: Across Tanzania with distribution in every district.

  • Si Mchezo magazine

    Format: Bi-monthly 32 page magazine.
    Distribution: To about 600 partners
    Target group: Out of school youth and their communities aged 15 – 35, with a rural focus.
    Reach: Across Tanzania with distributers in every region.
