Education magazines and journals

BBC Knowledge
Bi-monthly magazine published by Immediate Media Company Bristol and covering science, technology, nature and history. The magazine reprints selected articles from BBC History, BBC Focus, and BBC Wildlife.

Teacher’s Helper Grade 1 ed
Magazine published by Education Center, Inc. for the students in the first grade.

Monthly magazine for children published by Wildlife Education, Ltd. Zoobooks magazine based in Evanston, Illinois and published 10 times a year.

School Art
Magazine published by Davis Publications Inc. The magazine is a valuable resource for teachers of grades K to graduate studies.
American Educator
Quarterly journal of the American Federation of Teachers.
Black Collegian
Career magazine targeted to African-American students featuring careers, job opportunities, internships, study abroad programs, and more.
Current Issues in Education (CIE)
Academic education journal of Arizona State University.
Featuring higher education news, career information, research, statistics, and more.
Education Next
Quarterly journal of opinion about education policy and reform. Education Next published by the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
Education Review
Journal of reviews of latest books in education. The journal publishes reviews of books in English, Spanish & Portuguese.
Education Week
Providing news and information coverage of K-12 education.
eLearn Magazine
A pubication of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Learners Online
Monthly online publication.
Instructor Magazine
International Education Journal (IEJ)
Published by Australian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society (ANZCIES).
Journal of Statistics Education
National Forum Journals
Publisher of professional journals, emphasis on educational research, teaching, special education, and more.
Teacher Education Quarterly
A publication of the California Council on Teacher Education.