History Magazines
History magazine about archaeology covering archaeologist, archaeology books, archaeology news, anthropology, archaeological digs, archaeological dig, discovery, discoveries, books on archaeology, interactive digs, past cultures, prehistory, and more.

Official magazine published by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.. The magazine featuring history, archeology, people, places, culture, technology, travel, nature, science, arts, wildlife, and more.

History Today
Premier history magazine published monthly in London covering Ancient history (Rome, Egypt, Greece, Britain), Medieval (Normans, Mongols, etc), early mordern history (Enlightenment, Renaissance, Reformation, etc), mordern history (industrial revoluton, british empire, napoleonic Era, French revolotion), 20th Century (first & sencond world war, cold war), 21st century, and more.

BBC History Magazine
Premier history magazine published monthly in London covering Ancient history (Rome, Egypt, Greece, Britain), Medieval (Normans, Mongols, etc), early mordern history (Enlightenment, Renaissance, Reformation, etc), mordern history (industrial revoluton, british empire, napoleonic Era, French revolotion), 20th Century (first & sencond world war, cold war), 21st century, and more.

Ancient Egypt
Egyptology magazine published in United Kingdom. Ancient Egypt published bi-monthly in English-language.

American Heritage
Covering history of the USA, great American place, travel issue, history now, historic American cities, historical significance, and more.

Natural History Magazine Natural History Magazine
Covering evoluton, climate change, water, environment, society and culture, universe, wildlife, and more.

Dig Magazine
Children’s magazine on archaeology.